Block Sentinel Monitor
The system refreshes itself every 24 hours and retrieves data from the last 24 hours.
Last updated
The system refreshes itself every 24 hours and retrieves data from the last 24 hours.
Last updated
The system refreshes itself every 24 hours, displaying only the transactions from the last 24 hours. Old data is not automatically deleted or updated.
Trend: If Bullish, it is marked as Buy; if Bearish, it is marked as Sell; if Neutral, it is marked as Unknown.
Exchange: The exchange where the transaction took place.
Symbol: The name of the coin being traded.
Pair: The trading pair used for buying/selling. Example: BTC/USD, BTC/USDT, etc.
Amount: The total amount bought/sold.
New Price: The price after the transaction.
Old Price: The price before the transaction.
New Volume: The volume after the transaction.
Old Volume: The volume before the transaction.
Date: The date, hour, minute, and second when the transaction occurred.