LTH Released Price
Long Term Holder Released Price Hourly
Last updated
Long Term Holder Released Price Hourly
Last updated
What Does This Chart Represent?
The Long Term Holder Realized Price value is provided to you hourly, helping you analyze it on the chart.
The Bitcoin Long Term Holder (LTH) Realized Price metric calculates the average price at which long-term investors acquired their Bitcoin. This metric focuses on coins that have remained unmoved for an extended period, typically 155 days or more.
Why Is This Chart Important?
This metric offers insights into the underlying price support within the market by reflecting the confidence of long-term holders who tend to accumulate Bitcoin during periods of volatility, treating it as a long-term investment.
The LTH Realized Price often indicates strong support levels during bear markets, as it represents the price points at which long-term holders have historically been willing to buy and hold, regardless of short-term fluctuations.
By understanding this price level, investors can better assess a potential short-term floor price for Bitcoin, assuming long-term holders maintain their positions, and identify when the market valuation diverges from the base established by these committed investors.