Time Based CDD Chart (Interval : 1h)
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This chart shows the Coin Days Destroyed (CDD) value and Bitcoin price in an hourly time frame. It is used to analyze short-term movements and investor behavior in the Bitcoin market.
Chart Elements:
Bitcoin Price
Bollinger Bands (bbbandarea and bbbandline)
CDD Value
Bollinger Bands (bbbandarea and bbbandline): The blue bands indicate the price volatility and potential support/resistance levels.
Short-Term Investment Strategies: This chart helps investors optimize their buy and sell decisions by analyzing short-term price movements.
Understanding Market Volatility: Bollinger Bands are used to determine the current market volatility and possible trend reversals.
Tracking Large Bitcoin Movements: The CDD metric helps monitor the movements of long-dormant Bitcoins, providing insights into the behavior of large investors.
This chart helps you make more informed investment decisions by analyzing the short-term dynamics of the Bitcoin market and the movements of large investors.