STH Released Price
Short Term Holder Released Price Hourly
Last updated
Short Term Holder Released Price Hourly
Last updated
The Short Term Holder Realized Price value is provided to you hourly, helping you analyze it on the chart.
What Does This Chart Represent?
The Bitcoin Short Term Holder (STH) Realized Price is a metric that indicates the average purchase price of Bitcoin for investors categorized as short-term holders, typically defined by the movement of coins held for less than 155 days.
Why Is This Chart Important?
This metric sheds light on the cost basis of newer market participants, who tend to be more reactive to price changes and may exhibit different behaviors compared to long-term holders. These behaviors include a higher likelihood of selling during periods of volatility or price drops.
The STH Realized Price can offer valuable insights into the prevailing market sentiment and momentum, identifying potential resistance levels or areas where selling pressure might increase.